Component Guide


The basic building block of a page. Most content goes in here. The WYSIWYG keeps all content within it neatly aligned on the page.

WYSIWYGs can contain:

  • Paragraphs: Basic text
  • Headings: Label sections on the page for easy navigation and accessibility
  • Lists: Ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted)
  • Tables: For displaying tabular data, charts, etc.
  • Accordions: Can be opened and closed with a click
  • Link Lists: Display a list of buttons or styled text links in one or two columns
  • Directory Blocks: Lists faculty and staff, pulling their information from the Directory
  • Design Blocks:
    • Groups:
    • Rows:
    • Stack:
    • Separators:
    • Spacers:

Page menus attach to the side of the WYSIWYG – example shown here with the Marketing & Communications menu.

WYSIWYG-Compatible Blocks


Accordions are expandable containers that are great for breaking up content into smaller, easily read sections.

Each accordion has a title, configured in the block tab in the editor sidebar, which should let the user know what to expect when they click on the accordion. Each accordion also contains content; this can include anything that can go inside a WYSIWYG.

Link Lists have two style options: Button (one or two column) or Link (one column).

Button Style: One Column

Button Style: Two Columns

Butler Directory

The Butler Directory block pulls information for faculty and staff from the directory by username. Simply list the usernames of each individual you wish to display, separated by a comma. This list can be automatically alphabetized, if desired.

Josie Drake
Headshot of Josie Drake
Sr Specialist Web Design
Information Technology

Design Blocks


Placing blocks inside a Group ensures they stay grouped together. This can be used to apply background colors, to keep images sorted together, and for all sorts of other users.

Groups may be transformed into Rows or Stacks, if desired.

These two paragraph blocks are in a group together.

This allows for them to be set together in a section with a different background color from the rest of the page.


Rows organize blocks horizontally.

Bulldog in sunglasses with Butler harness
bulldog in blue and white jersey with large B on it
bulldog in blue and white jersey with large B on it


Stacks organize blocks vertically. This works well combined with the Columns block, using one Stack per Column.

bulldog in blue and white jersey with large B on it
bulldog in blue and white jersey with large B on it


Columns allow sets of blocks to be displayed side-by-side. Most pages can fit no more than three columns comfortably.

Columns cannot be added inside WYSIWYG blocks.

This paragraph is in column 1.

This paragraph is in column 2.


Separators add a line to visually separate content. There are three styles available: Default, Wide Line, and Dots.


Wide Line



This invisible block can be used to add space between other blocks on the page. The height, or the amount of space added, can be adjusted. For example, below are two sets of Separators with Spacers in between. The first set has 50 pixels in between, while the second set has 150 pixels in between.

50 pixels:

100 pixels:

Full-Width Blocks

These blocks must be placed outside of a WYSIWYG. They should also not be placed inside accordions or design blocks, as they will not display correctly.

One Column: Two Buttons

This block allows for up to two buttons by default (up to three total), an optional heading, and a configurable background image with blue overlay.

This block allows for a heading, a description, and links arranged horizontally. Up to four links may be included, but this block generally looks best with just one or two links.

Two Column: Billboard

Allows for a headline, a brief overview, and up to twelve card items. Each card allows for an image, a headline, a description, and a link.


Overview (keep this brief)

bulldog with blue jersey with white letter B in front of the salesforce building in Indy

Card 1 Headline

Card 1 Description

buildings in Indianapolis

Card 2 Headline

Card 2 Description

Two Column Cards

This block allows for a headline with two cards, each with a headline, image, and a link. The background design may be toggled off.


bulldog with blue jersey with white letter B in front of the salesforce building in Indy

Left Callout

Left Callout Link
buildings in Indianapolis

Right Callout

Right Callout Link

Two Column: Full-Width Image or Video

Allows for either a prominent image or video and Highlighted text. This block is always full-width. Includes a Kicker, a Headline, a Description, and up to four links.

Bulldog in a blue leash and harness walking on a brick street in front of a teal wall

Kicker Text



Two Column: Header on Left; Text on Right

This block allows for a header on the left and text and media on the right.


Allows for one paragraph of body text. Can include images. wooden dog house with bronze statue of bulldog in front

Two Column: Quote

This is a two column callout with a quote in one column and an image in the other. The layout can be flipped; the quote can be on the left and the image on the right, or vice versa. This block may contain multiple quotes, and it is often used with the layouts alternating, as illustrated below.

Kicker Text

Quote text

Quote attribution

two female students with a male student in the middle wearing a BU Be Well shirt

Kicker Text

Quote text

Quote attribution

president danko in white shirt, red tie, dark pants talking to male student in denim shorts and black t-shirt. signage reads Office of the President

Two Column: Two Buttons

This block can display a heading with adjustable heading level, description, and up to two links. The links may be styled as callout text links or as buttons. A solid color background may also be added.


Description Text


Description Text


Description Text


Description Text

Two Column: Text/Buttons/Image

This component is meant to serve as a callout for important information and up to 2 CTA links, where the first link is solid and the second is ghosted. The image can go on the left or the right.


This block pulls events from into a feed and displays the first four alongside a link to view all applicable events. It can be set up to pull only events from a specific category or with a specific tag. If there are no applicable events to display, the block will automatically hide itself.

Full Width Video/Image

This component features a video or image that takes over the screen as the user scrolls. It also allows for up to two lines of large text for emphasis above the image/video.

Because this component has a large impact on a page, it should be used with caution and reserved for special circumstances.

Headline Text

Carousel allowing for up to 4 slides of content, each containing a background image, an optional cutout image, a card with kicker text, a headline, body, and up to one text button. Includes an optional blue overlay.

An eye-catching and large-scale way to show off a number of Butler photos. It has space for a medium length headline and a CTA to draw users to open up the modal window to view photos and their captions.

Quick Facts

Tiles with several patterned background options designed for displaying two to three basic stats and facts.

Supporting data text
Supporting data text
Over 90
Supporting data text


Pulls and displays stories from Can be configured to pull only stories from a specific category or tagged with a specific tag.

Scrolling Ticker

Displays horizontally scrolling, looping text.

Pause/Play Ticker Title

Scrolling Ticker

Scrolling Ticker

Scrolling Ticker

Scrolling Ticker

Scrolling Ticker

Scrolling Ticker

Scrolling Ticker

Scrolling Ticker

Scrolling Ticker

Scrolling Ticker

A box with three columns designed for displaying contact information such as phone numbers, email addresses, and office locations. Can include social media icons.


Heroes are to be used sparingly and are to be reserved for landing pages or other special cases. They replace the normal H1 on a page.

Hero – Alternate

Can feature an image or a soundless video. Blue overlay cannot be removed. Two layout options: Short and Tall.

Short Layout


Tall Layout


Hero – Standard

Includes a full-color background image. May include up to two hero button links.


Sub Headline
